Holiday Camps

Our Bounce Basketball Academy Holiday Camps are an encouraging and supportive environment where boys and girls in year groups 1 - 8, aged between 5 yrs - 12 yrs, can express their inner ‘Michael Jordan’ talent and unleash their basketball potential!

Located at the Massey University Teaching Gymnasium in Palmerston North, our Academy offers a programme of basketball learning and fun!

How our Camps work at Bounce Academy!

  • If you're wondering what our SKILLSETS sessions entail, then there will be no surprise here. We go back to the basics of skills required to play the game of basketball. From movement, ball control, passing, ball handling and shooting. Throw in an array of terminology and we are providing an overall skillset programme.

  • Our Holiday Programme at Bounce Academy wraps the skillsets we learn with fundamentals. Basketball concepts both simple and complex are provided to the various age groups and development levels. Fundamentals are just that, ‘FUN’ and here at Bounce Academy one of the core principles that underpins our programme is having fun learning the game!

  • Our kids learn in different ways, but one thing we’ve learnt is that using games to enhance the learning process is a sure fire way to get engagement and progress. Our coaches use various games to support the learning process but not only that, our sessions include live team basketball games. That’s right, if we’re going to get better at the game and continue to develop the skills and fundamentals, we need to play.

  • Bounce Academy has a core principle of TEAM and what that means is every child is part of the Bounce family. We promote an inclusive environment where everyone helps each other to improve, not just in basketball, but in important life skills like self-confidence, work ethic, respect and discipline. The competitive spirit of self-improvement is fostered within an encouraging and supportive environment.

Basketball for kids is what we know…

We understand the scenario - your child is super keen on basketball and why wouldn’t they be. School has finished and your thinking ‘how do I keep them entertained?’

We’ve got you covered - for at least 3 days anyway and you won’t even have to prepare lunch boxes, we’ve got morning tea and lunch for the 3 days sorted too.

From 9am - 3pm they won’t only be having fun with friends, old and new, but they’ll be playing a sport they love and most importantly learning at the same time!